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Editing - changing and adding to your Profile with JSON

There are two types of edits:

  1. Making new changes then creating a Pull Request
  2. Adding more changes to an existing open Pull Request

New Edits

If you want to edit your Profile (for example update a link or remove a link), follow these steps:

  1. Log into your GitHub Account
  2. Go to your Repositories

go to repositories

  1. Then click on the BioDrop repo (fork)

BioDrop repo

  1. Now we need to make sure your fork is up to date. You can do this by clicking on Sync fork and click Update branch (if available)

update branch

  1. Click Go to file and type your GitHub username
  2. Click on your json file

find json file

  1. Click the edit pencil icon at the top right
  2. Make the changes you require

Changes could include:

  • updating your Bio
  • adding a new section (see examples below)
SectionsJson objectDescription
social shortcutssocialsThese are the icons at the top of your Profile
tagstagsThese are search keywords for people to discover your Profile (for example DevRel or Javascript)
milestonesmilestonesMilestones you wish to highlight (for example "First day on GitHub")
testimonialstestimonialsInclude testimonials from other people in the community
Virtual or in person eventseventsShow which events you are attending

For how to add each of these sections, please referring to their relevant guides.

  1. Scroll to the bottom and commit new file by adding the commit message that starts data: followed by your GitHub username (for example data: SaraJaoude)

You can skip optional extended message

  1. Click create new branch and you can use the default name provided
  2. Then click Propose changes

propose changes

  1. Click compare across forks and select the destination on the left and the source on the right
  2. Click Create pull request
  3. You will see a title and description for the Pull Request, fill these in and click Create pull request

create pull request

  1. Now you need to wait to have your Pull Request (changes) reviewed

pull request

An approving review from one of BioDrop's maintainers will show a green check mark next to their id.

maintainer review

  1. You will receive a GitHub notification when you have a comment, review or your Pull Request has been merged
  2. Once merged your profile will be available a few minutes later on the same custom url (for example:

You can learn more about these later on in the documentation, in their respective sections.

Adding more changes to an open Pull Request

The main two reasons for making additional edits to an open Pull Request are:

  1. GitHub Action failed
  2. Your Pull Request has received a comment requesting changes

GitHub Action fail

To make further changes to an open Pull Request, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your open Pull Request
  2. Click on the tab Files Changed
  3. At the top right of the file click on the 3 dots and then click Edit file (this will allow you to edit your file in your branch that is in your fork)
  4. Make changes and commit these to the same branch (this should automatically be selected)

GitHub will automatically append these changes to your open Pull Request.