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For more details on labels and points please see the Label docs.

When new issues are created, they are automatically assigned the label status: awaiting triage.

Only maintainers can assign issues. Please keep in mind the following:

  • Only assign issues with the label status: ready for dev
  • Each person should only be assigned 1 open issue at a time

Pull Requests (Profiles)

Lack of activity and waiting times

If there has been no activity for 2 weeks by the author to address/correct any maintainer's comments, please close the Pull Request with a comment suggesting they create a new Pull Request when they are ready and link to the Quickstart Guide

avatar and publicStats json property is included (no longer required)

This is no longer used, please leave an inline comment with the code suggestion to remove it - this will allow another maintainer to accept the changes and we can get the Pull Request merged without delay.

Inline comment with suggestion

If you wish to make the fix yourself, you can merge to a temporary branch and fix, then create a new Pull Request.

Note: multiple Pull Requests that need fixing can go into this temporary branch, but please make sure this branch is not open for longer than a few hours to avoid any confusion.

Where there are typos by the author

Feel free to leave a comment highlighting these, but typos should not block merging the Pull Request.

Explain when merging that the author can submit a new Pull Request correcting the typos with a link to the Editing profile docs

Where a reviewer (maintainer or not) has highlighted typos and has raised these as a “suggested change”

We should not accept and commit the suggested change as this represents changing the author's profile.

This should not block merging a Pull Request. Explain when merging that the author can submit a new Pull Request correcting the typos with a link to the Editing profile docs

However, accepting json fixes, for example adding a missing comma is allowed as this is not changing their content.

Where an author has used the wrong icon

For example:

  • non-existent icon (“Twitter” instead of “FaTwitter”)
  • or a mismatched platform icon (“FaTwitter” when the link is for Instagram)

This should not block merging a Pull Request as it will fall back to the default icon if not found.

Explain when merging that the author can submit a new Pull Request correcting this and include a link to the Editing profile docs and the icon page

If someone has made inline suggestions, please do not accept these (as this is changing the authors content).

Profile does not have any links

This should not be a blocker for merging the PR (despite the name being BioDrop).

Please suggest they add links when they are ready and explain when merging that the author can submit a new Pull Request with a link to the Editing profile docs

Bio or Tags length

Whilst there are benefits to a concise bio and tags it is not for any reviewer to suggest changes.

If the bio or tags are large, this should not block the Pull Request. The author can submit a new Pull Request if they wish to shorten this in the future.

Conflicts have arisen as the fork is outdated

In the first instance please ask them to resolve these and you may want to provide a link to this video that explains how:

Json package lock fix

In our docs we recommend people use npm ci to setup the project dependencies which will not makes changes to the package-lock.json file.

However, when npm install is used, the lock file will be modified and these changes should not be accepted and the Pull Request will be blocked until the changes are removed.

The exception is if the changes have made modifications to the package.json file, then the lock file changes are required.

If the author needs help undoing their changes to the lock file, I have created a video on how they can achieve this